lunes, 7 de septiembre de 2009

The best Fan-Made Trailer ever!!!

Movie trailers is one of the main ways for a movie to find its way to the public's mind and heart. Sometimes even trailers turns out as a better piece of work than the movie itself.

For many diverse reasons, movies don't turn out to be what we expect, or when a back-bone fan (geek) wants its favorite concept (notie the ITS, geeks don't deserve a HE or SHE...just kidding): comics, books, tv shows,etc; they just use every single piece of resource they have. The result is the FAN MADE FILM/ TRAILER.

Onthe contrary of home made films, where the author creates a relatively original concept his movie with a 3 dollar production budgert; Fan made films...actually do almost the very same thing, only instead of bothering in being original, they work based on a complete already made universe. Some times, when the budget is convenient (up to US$30,000 (some high-budget mexican films were produced with the same amount...HAHAHAHA... :C ) ) they actually used actors and have a certain level of quality in the sets, like...actually use sets, and no their mothers kitchen like in most of the 3Dollar films I've seen. Another trick low shot Fan film makers have is to arrange images, sequences from a movie(s) according with their porpuses. For example, there is a japanese animation called "NEON GENESIS EVANGELION" ,there's been rumors about a possible remake of the animetion for american audiences, as they're still in negotiations, fans create what they think would be a good adaptation, sometimes they actually do a good job.

The foolowing is one of the best examples I could find: What if a movie of THUNDERCATS were made? And Who would be whom in that movie?



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