jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2009

Is the party over? You tube goes for rent based content.

According to a report by Washington Post's Yinka Adegoke and Alexei Oreskovic, You Tube, the most visited video site in the internet, property of Google Inc. is currently in reunions with major studios (Lions Gate, Sony and Warner Brothers) in order to prepare a new service within the site that will consist in the movie rental service.

This service will provide the user with the option of watching proffesional content from these studios, besides the home made tapes sent by users themselves, the funding concept of the site.

The service may have a cost of US$3.99, in order to have a competitive price against services like AppleTV and Amazon, although the criteria in which this fee will be charged is yet to be known.

This path Google (You tube's owner) has taken apparently is an answer for the demand of a wider library of content, which has been conformed of promos, user made videos and trailers, the public wants the whole thing; besides, there has been criticism in the economic field for the under earnings You Tube has represented for Google; the advertising based earnings is not enough to cover a service of free submiting of millions of videos per year and the support of having them available 24/7 for free.

Let's just hope this is an upgrade for the quality of the service, the problem I find here is that, how will this affect in latin american audiencies in the topic of the fees, when available; US$3.99 is a lot of money for the rent of one single movie(You rent a DVD in Mexico for US$1.50, approximately) , if it is for a month fee, OK, but what if it's not?

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